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~Heart Healthy Spinach & Radicchio Salad w/Pom-Vinaigrette~

March 12, 2010




Yes I know what you are thinking, all salads are heart healthy. Well I called this “heart healthy” because this salad happens to be my Cardiologist hubby’s favorite salad. Since he is a Cardiologist, he is always preaching his “heart healthiness” to yours truly. He especially likes this salad because it has all of his favorite healthy ingredients like he loves his POM pomegranate juice in the morning which of course is full of vitamin C, anti-oxidants & a lot of other goodness. Another ingredient in this salad is walnuts, which are high in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, again good for your heart health. Well other ingredients like spinach, radicchio, peaches & extra virgin olive oil all have loads of anti-oxidants goodness. So that’s how this salad evolved into a heart healthy salad.


Pom-Vinaigrette is very simple to make, it only has 5 ingredients like pomegranate juice, extra virgin olive oil, Dijon mustard, fresh lemon juice and salt/pepper. The dressing is so tangy & delicious. I had some fresh peaches in the house so I brushed them with the vinaigrette & grilled them on the grill pan. I love grill pans! You can also add a cheese to this salad, a mild goat cheese would be great with this salad. I felt that the sweetness of the pomegranate juice was enough, you dont need to sweeten the dressing any further. I hope you will enjoy this heart healthy salad, well what else, ofcourse in good health!
  • 1/2 cup POM juice
  • 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 a lemon, freshly squeezed juice
  • Salt & feshly ground pepper
  • 1 packet of organic baby spinach
  • 1 small head of radicchio
  • 2 peaches halves
  • 1/4 cup pan roasted walnuts
  • for the vinaigrette you just need to combine the ingredients & wisk well.
  • Peaches, brush the halves with the vinaigrette & grill on the grill pan. Cut them to the size of your liking.
  • Assemble the spinach, radicchio toss it with dressing. add waknuts. top it off with the grilled peaches.



~Simple Stir Fry Chicken w/ Steamed Rice~

March 11, 2010



This simple stir fry dish is well very simple to make. It has evolved over the years. I make this at my home about twice a week, my kids love this dish. I feel good about feeding them the stir fry chicken since its healthy & nutritious for them. How many kids do you know who love to eat vegetables, not many right? Well mine will eat the veggies along with the chicken and would ask for seconds. I usually add less chicken & more veggies like broccoli, bell peppers, bok choy(if available) & onions & carrots. Whichever fresh vegetable I have in the refrigerator I add to this dish. I always use boneless chicken tenders, I find them to be more lean. I serve with the stir fry dish, simple steamed rice which I boil the starch out first then drain & then let it sit & simmer for 10 minutes. I will explain later in the method. I recently started adding ketchup, my mom always used it. so now I have started using it too, ketchup gives the dish a tangy & sweet taste. Trust me it makes a big difference in the taste. Try it! I also use fresh ginger & garlic which I make a paste in my granite mortar & pestle which by the way is my favorite tool in the kitchen. As a mom I enjoy making this quick, simple & healthy stir fry dish for my kids! Hopefully you will too!
  • 1 lb chicken tenders
  • 1 Red bell pepper
  • 1 Orange bell pepper
  • 1 bunch of Broccoli
  • 1 large Onion
  • 1 tsp crushed fresh garlic/ginger paste
  • 1 tsp of Vietnamese chili garlic sauce
  • 1/4 cup or less  Soy sauce
  • 1 tsp ketchup
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • 3 tbsp oil (any lite flavored oil) & 1 tbsp for the rice.
  • 2 tsp corn starch mixed in a 1/4 cup water
  • Cut up the chicken into bite size pieces.
  • Cut up vegetables into bite size pieces.
  • Soak 1 cup of (I used Basmati rice) or any long grain or jasmine rice in warm water for 20 min.
  • Heat oil in a large pan or a wok.
  • Add the fresh garlic/ginger paste & sauté for few minutes.
  • Now add chicken pieces & sauté until the chicken changes to more of a whitish color.
  • Add soy sauce & chili garlic sauce.
  • let the chicken cook for few minutes & then add the veggies.
  • Saute well for few minutes, add brocoli & onions at the end.
  • at this point you can add ketchup & more of soy sauce/chilli garlic sauce to taste.
  • you can add the corn starch mixture to the dish & it will start to thicken. Turn off the heat.
  • Stir Fry dish is done!
  • Steamed Rice recipe
  • Take a deep pot, fill it with water & salt, let it come to a rolling boil.
  • Once boiling add  the soaked rice..make sure drain first.
  • Now let the rice boil for 5-8 minutes. Drain the rice in a colander. Put it back in the pot, add 1 tsp oil & cover with a tight lid and let it steam. the stove should be need to turn on the heat.
  • This is the BEST way to steam rice, the starch is drained out & which makes it more healthy for your family.
  • Enjoy!

~ Rice Pilaf w/ Chick Peas~

March 9, 2010





 Rice Pilaf w/Chick Peas is such a flavorful & tasty Pilaf which I’m sure you will enjoy. It’s an easy recipe with few ingredients but the taste is out of this world. I will show you how to incorporate ingredients like yogurt, minced garlic, ginger & green chilli peppers to give the pilaf a deeper more rich taste.
  • 1 cup of Basmati Rice soaked in warm water
  • one 8oz can of chick peas
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 tbsp plain yogurt
  • 1 small onion sliced
  • 2 cloves of minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp of minced ginger
  • 1 minced green chilies
  • 3 tbsp of Olive Oil
  • 1/4 tsp cumin seeds
  • 2 sticks of Cinamon sticks
  • 1 tsp Kosher salt
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne chili powder
  • 1/4 tsp of Garam Masala
  • Soak the Basmati Rice for 30 minutes in warm water.
  • In a deep medium pan heat up olive oil over medium high heat.
  • Add sliced onion to the oil & let them get light golden brown.
  • Add cumin seeds, minced garlic, ginger & chillies and  stir well.
  • Add chick peas & yogurt and stir well.
  • Add salt, cayenne pepper & garam masala and stir well.
  • Add water, let it come to a boil.
  • Drain Basmati rice & stir gently.
  • Cover with lid, let the rice boil. Once rice has absorbed all of the water.
  • Turn off the heat & let it simmer for 10 minutes. fluff up the rice with a fork.
  • Serve Hot with any curry or yogurt raita or onions & tomato salad.
  • Enjoy!


~Love London~

March 9, 2010





  London is Europe’s largest city, spreading across an area of more than 620 square miles from its core on the River Thames. Ethnically it’s also Europe’s most diverse city which I love about London. Londoners are the most friendliest of people, they will make you feel comfortable in their great city. For tourists, London is a thrilling place, so vibrant & full of life. London has world-renowned sites like the Royal Opera House to the British Museum. In the Tate Modern and the London Eye, the city  is proud of the world’s largest modern art gallery and Ferris wheel, and the first new bridge to cross the Thames for over a hundred years.






 London’s traditional sites – Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral and the Tower of London , continue to draw in millions of tourists every year.  There is also a lot  to be seen around the city’s quiet Georgian squares, the narrow alleyways of the charming city of London.  Hyde Park, Green Park and St James’s Park are all within a few minutes walk of the West End. You can enjoy the more spread out countryside of Hampstead Heath and Richmond Park. Shopping in London is very exclusive & spectacular too, mixing with the high-end shops in & around Harrods, or sampling the weekend markets of Portobello Road, Camden and Greenwich. The music & art scenes are no less exciting, with great opportunities to catch theatre companies, dance troupes, exhibitions and opera. London restaurant scene is one of the most innovative & exciting these days, almost like an attraction, too. London is an equal  with its European rivals, and offers a range from three-star Michelin establishments to low-cost, high-quality Chinese restaurants and Indian curry houses. Also the city’s pubs have an  atmosphere of its own. I travelled to the outskirts of London to Southall, great South Asian communities live there. I had the best curry in London which makes me want to go back again and again. I think travelling to the outskirts of London is essential in order to get the complete picture of this dynamic metropolis called London.

~ Chicken Curry~

March 9, 2010



Chicken Curry, is a delicious dish with lots of fresh flavors like garlic, ginger, Roma tomatoes, green chilli peppers & cilantro. Aromatic flavors are also present like cumin seeds & freshly ground garam masala. This dish is especially fresh because of the use of plenty of Roma tomatoes. Note that chicken does not have onions, only tomatoes.
  • One 3lb chicken, whole cut into 12 pieces & skin off
  • 6-8 Roma tomatoes
  • 4 cloves of minced garlic
  • 2 tbsp fresh ginger
  • 2 green chillies
  • 1/4 or less Olive Oil
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1/2 tsp garam masala
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 sprig of fresh cilantro
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp dry cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric
  • Heat Olive Oil on medium heat and add chicken & stir.
  • Brown chicken & add Freshly minced garlic & ginger & cumin seeds then stir well.
  • Add chopped up Roma tomatoes.
  • Add salt, turmeric & red cayenne pepper.
  • Mix well & cover the lid and let it cook with the lid  on a medium low heat for about 20 minutes.
  • Uncover the lid and increase the heat to medium high. You will need to let the juices dry a bit.
  • Keep stirring, once the juices have almost dried.
  • Add fresh sliced green chillis & chopped cilantro and lemon juice
  • Stir for a minute or so. add the garam masala.
  • Serve with Rice or Naan.
  • Garnish with more green chillis & chopped cilantro.


~Brioche~ french bread rolls

March 6, 2010



Brioche is a French Bread, characterized by a rich, sweet flavor and flaky texture which almost makes it feel like a pastry, and not a bread. Brioche is often served for breakfast and it makes a very decadent French toast. You can also spread  jam or Nutella on this lovely bread. The sweeter versions of brioche are sometimes confused with cake, but brioche really is a bread, since it is leavened with yeast and kneaded. Many French bakeries sell Brioche, and as you can see Brioche is possible to make at home. If I can do it so can you!


The dough for the Brioche needs about 2-3 hrs to rise. In a large bowl I added the wet ingredients first like milk, eggs, melted butter then the dry ingredients like flour, salt. A packet of yeast & sugar is added to warm milk in the begining and let it rest for 20 minutes. This way yeast forms a foam and becomes active. Once all of the wet and the dry ingredients are added. Dough needs to be kneaded for 10 minutes, until a smooth ball shape is formed. Cover the dough and let it rest on the counter, preferably a warm corner of the kitchen.




Check the dough after one hour of resting. It should have risen and doubled in size. Punch it down gently & form a round ball shape again. Let it sit for another one hour. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Now the Brioche dough is ready to be shaped and placed into the Brioche molds. I bought these metal molds from my local Williams Sonoma. I buttered the molds first then place the rolls. Put the molds on a baking sheet. Brush the egg-wash on the rolls. Egg-wash is just one beaten egg with tsp of water added. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown.

1 1/2 packages active dry yeast

2 tblsp sugar

1 cup warm milk

1 cup or 2 sticks of  melted butter

1  tsp salt

4 cups organic all-purpose flour

4 eggs

1 egg yolk for the eggwash mixed with 1 tsp water

~Soupe de fruits de mer au safran~seafood soup w/saffron

March 6, 2010



Recently I was in Paris in April of 2009, that’s where I had somewhat of a similar soup. It  was  in a charming little bistro in my favorite neighborhood of  St.Germain.  I  remember it was a beautiful spring day, a bit chilly. I walked so much that day,  I must have visited every boutique, pattiserie & markets in the neighborhood. I think this seafood soup can be a one dish meal with good artisanal bread & perhaps a salad of green leafy vegetables w/ Dijon honey mustard/olive oil dressing. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.
  • 1/2 lb large shrimp
  • 1 lb clams
  • 1 lb mussels
  • 1 squid
  • 1/2 lb scallops
  • 2 shalots
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 4 Roma tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 cups of chicken stock
  • 1/2 tsp Herbes de Provence
  • 1/2 tsp Espirit du Sel or Kosher Salt
  • 1 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • 1/4 tsp of Saffron threads
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil
  • juice of lemon
  • 1/4 cup chopped parsley
  • Heat the olive oil in any deep medium size pot, add chopped shalots & garlic & stir.
  • Add herbes de Provence and stir.
  • Add chopped carrots & celery & stir.
  • after few minutes add chopped up Roma tomatoes.
  • Add esprit du sel or kosher salt & pepper.
  • Once the tomatoes & carrots look cooked add the tomato paste.
  • Add chicken stock & stir well.
  • at this point add those beautiful thread of Saffron.
  • let the stock simmer.
  • now you can add shrimp first, only takes few minutes to cook.
  • Cut up the calamari (squid) into small rings and add to the soup.
  • Add scallops.
  • Add clams & mussels, cover with a lid and let it cook for no more than  5 minutes. Clams & mussels shells should be opened which means they are cooked.
  • take the lid off and add fresh lemon juice & chopped parsley.
  • ENJOY w/good crusty bread & a leafy salad!
You may know but for those who do not know. I wanted to introduce & explain about some of the ingredients that I have used like Saffron, Herbes de Provence & Espirit de Sel.


Saffron is the most expensive & luxurious ingredient in the world.The word saffron derives from the Arab word zafaran, meaning yellow, and it was mentioned as far back as 1500 b.c. in many classical writings, as well as in the Bible.
The red-gold threads were also highly prized by pharoahs and kings as an aphrodesiac. Majority of the world’s saffron is produced in Iran, Spain is the world’s largest exporter of saffron. Spanish Paella  is not  complete without Saffron.



Herbes de Provence, is a mixture of dried herbs from Provence region of France.The mixture typically contains thyme, savory, basil, fennel and lavendar flowers and other herbs. Thyme usually dominates the taste produced by the herb mixture. Its one of the most aromatic mix of herbs. You can use it in suops, stews & roasts.



Espirit du Sel, Esprit Du Sel – is an exceptional fleur de sel that is produced in the Ile de Ré area of France. Esprit Du Sel – Its fine, light texture is created in the process by which it is made – hand collecting the salt from the surface of the water in salt pans as the white blooms appear on the water’s surface within the private Esprit du Sel bays. This flower of salt (Fleur De Sel) is sought out by the world’s finest chefs for its consistency and naturally rich flavor. You will notice the enhanced flavor it adds to food. Try Esprit Du Sel – Fleur De Sel on fine grilled meat and fish and on your favorite vegetable.

~Gratin Dauphinois w/Leeks~

March 3, 2010




RECIPE for Potatoes & Leeks Gratin
4-5 White Potatoes peeled & sliced thin
1 leek (only the bottom white portion)
2 small shalots
2 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp of unsalted organic butter
2tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp herbs de Provence
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
1/4 tsp of french fleur de sel
1/2 cup of Cream
1/2 cup of Gueyere cheese shredded
Preheat the oven to 400 F. Butter a medium to large size gratin baking dish. Peel & slice the potatoes. Chop the garlic. In a deep medium size pot melt butter & add olive oil. Add chopped shalots & garlic to the butter & oil. Add herbs de Provence. stir well. Add the potatoes, cream & cheese. Save about 3 tbsp of cheese to sprinkle on top of the gratin before it goes in the oven. Add salt & pepper. Mix & transfer the ingredient into the gratin baking dish. Bake uncovered for 20-30 minutes. Once a golden brown crust forms. Take the gratin out of the oven. let it rest for 20 minutes. Serve hot. Enjoy.

~Simply Le Magnifique Paris~

March 3, 2010






Aaahhh Paris, what can I say about Paris that you haven’t already heard before. Paris is a feeling of Passion, this feeling permeates through the entire city. It’s beauty is breathtaking and it’s culture is so deeply rooted in it’s art, fashion & world class cuisine. At times, Paris can feel overwhelming, the greatness of its monuments like the marvels of the Panthéon, the industrial chic of the Eiffel Tower and the almost spiritual glasswork of the Louvre pyramid.






The Louvre is is one of the largest palaces in the world and, as a former residence of the kings of France.. It’s  the best example of traditional French architecture since the Renaissance, and it houses a magnificent collection of ancient and Western art. The Louvre was originally built in the 12th century as a royal castle to help defend Paris against Viking, Norman, and English attacks. It went through many metamorphoses until it was finally opened as a museum of art in 1793 shortly after the end of the French Revolution. The complex of buildings was turned over entirely to art and culture in 1882. The Louvre became one of the world’s largest and most popular art galleries and museums, housing masterpieces like Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, Matise, Rodin, & artwork from many more world renowned artists.
~Mona Lisa~
~Venus De Milo~
Notre Dame Church. The gothic look of Notre-Dame dominates the Seine River , as well as the history of Paris. On the spot where this majestic cathedral now stands, the Romans had built a temple to Jupiter, which was followed by a Christian basilica and then a Romanesque church. The appearance of the interior was tremendously transformed in the mid-13th century when the small windows typical of the Early Gothic style were enlarged downward and filled with High Gothic look.



Paris is known for its cafés & bistros. Locals  spend hours sitting in terraces, chatting with friends, watching people passing by, while sipping a  cup of coffee & enjoying a Brioche or a Croissant..Oh my. This friendly activity is one of their favorites, Its always fun to people watch, don’t you agree. Especially the oh so stylsih French!  Neighborhoods like the  district of Saint-Germain & the Latin Quarter are a chic trendy areas of Paris where there are many Cafe’s, Restuarants, Galleries, Boutiques &  outdoor markets that sell fresh produce, cheese & wine. These two neighborhoods are my personal favorites. I spent many hours just wandering & discovering these vibarnat neighborhoods. Don’t forget to stop for a Crepe or a Pastry in Pattiserie!






One of Paris’s best-loved bakeries, Poilane hasn’t changed much since it opened in 1932. I made sure that I visited this legendary bakery. I wanted to taste and admire the beautiful Poilane bread decorated with simple designs of leaves and flowers that’ll make you want to stay in Paris forever. Specialties include apple tarts, butter cookies, and  sourdough loaf cooked in a wood-burning oven. Breads can be specially wrapped to stay fresh during your journey home! Paris is truly a wonderful city, you will fall in love & would want to go back again & again. Happy Traveling!

~Crepes w/Nutella & Fresh Berries~

March 3, 2010




  • RECIPE: for Crepes w/Nutella & fresh berries~makes about 12 crepes
  • 3 large eggs
  • 2/3 cup whole milk
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp melted unsalted butter
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • Nutella & fresh Raspberries & Blueberries
  • ~***********************~
  • In a bowl mix eggs,  melted butter,milk, water, flour, sugar & salt. Mix well. let it sit on the counter for 30 minutes. Heat a non-stick pan. Drizzle few drops of melted butter into the pan. Ladle two small ladles of the batter into the pan. spread the batter in a circular motion to spread the batter into a round tortilla like shape. Once it looks like the batter has set and it looks cooked. flip the crêpe on its other side. After a minute or two gently take the crêpe out with a spatula. Fold the crêpe in half. Spread a tsp of Nutella & add berries. Fold two sides overlapping each other. Serve hot. Great for Sunday brunch or dessert.~ Enjoy! ~